Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dan's Progress

Halfway done and calling it a night. I hope Han is doing alright on the other bridge.

Bridge #2

Han and I decided to split up the work, so I'm starting our second one while she finishes the first :) design for nĂºmero dos.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fresh Start

Today we decided to start over since our old bridge was just a fail. Here's Han with our dead bridge and the design of our next.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Our bridge ended up being too heavy so we had to butcher it and now it looks bad and is going to fail. Oh well.


Yesterday (I forgot what day we're on now) we just worked on strengthening our bridge.

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18th

                                                                Finished both halves of my first bridge today! May, 18th.
                                                         Yee baby. Im obsessed with Taylor Blackman. Peace.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 3

More gluing. We also found an awesome noodle. Must mean something.

This is our bridge as of May 14.
Its a beautiful work in progress!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 1

Today I (Dan) came back from after 2 AP exams to pretty much redesign Han's drawing. We added more diagonal lines, then started gluing spaghetti down. I'm going to be gone 3 out of the 5 days this week so Han is going to have to do a lot of the work... Sorry Han. This bridge is looking good though.
Like a baus

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bridge Design Ideas

So we have to make a bridge out of spaghetti noodles  for our physics class. Here is some of our inspiration, which we designed in the first place.

West Coast represent!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Become our FAN

Hi, I'm Han.  Dan is my pal. We're pals. You should follow our blog because I just have so many extraordinary things to talk about. When I speak I captivate people with my brilliance. Dan thinks I'm pretty brilliant. If I had to pick one word to best describe myself it would be genious. Basically, if you follow our blog your IQ's will increase by 100 points. You want that, and chicks dig it. K, peace.

Howdy. I'm kind of hesitant of putting myself out there on the internet but Han said to let "my true colors" show. So.... This is Dan(ika). Han is pretty brilliant I suppose, although she did spell genius wrong. Oh well, we'll let her stay. You should follow us because we'll not only teach you how to spell genius and a plethora of other words, but show you amazing things from the internet and open your eyes to a world much more awesome than your own, the world of Han and Dan.

Get on our level....Breh?

Let the haters hate.

Dear potential followers,
Following our blog is what makes you beautiful.
Dan and Han